terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2024





Sequoiadendron giganteum. Resistant to fire, decay and cold, tall and long-lived.

Extraction techniques

It is delicate to fell a tree of this size, it requires protection, armor to prevent splintering, rubber and steel cables, soft ground, a lake or excavation with wet mud.

Regarding the types of cut, a single cut made at the bottom of the tree can be harmful to the support structure, as it is too much weight to be held by the steel cable net. Multiple cuts starting from the top of the tree with standard measurements for transporting the trunks should be the safest method, with weight and volume controlled with a gentle fall.

Extracted in perfect conditions, the wood can be used in any area (mechanical properties). All it needs is the right treatment of the wood, for example, its fragility can be overcome with compression.

For example, I like to think of redwood as a cigarette, the loose smoke from a cigarette is brittle, but when it is wrapped in paper it becomes strong. 

Due to the quality of this species, its potential for coatings is high.


The tannin

Their pharmacological uses include antiseptics, healing agents, repellents and antidotes for metal poisoning. They also have the ability to protect plants against animals and insects.


Wooden platforms

Artificial islands or teso formed from the use of sequoias must be controlled by planting new sequoias. Planting sequoias on artificial islands requires extensive soil treatment to support all the weight they receive over the years.


The use of fire in redwoods

Control must be measured regionally with areas protected from the spread of fire, on an individual basis, generating great employability for workers who carry out forest maintenance, whether on the ground or germinating the treetops.

Failure to contain an intentional fire causes a lot of damage to local fauna and flora, from animals to people. 


Little Red Riding Hood and the Code

In the story, the girl meets the wolf and talks to him, so you might think that animals don't speak or that they will never learn a language. 

As you spend time with animals, you gain ways to communicate. This makes all life precious, and very sad in some cases, for example animals that are going to be slaughtered.



The Matryoshka construction method is the construction by layers one inside the other, in my book you can see the use of this technique. 

It's like building a ballistic vest, reinforcing the structure with materials that are efficient in climate or temperature conditions, rigidity or malleability, among other qualities that can be used with the material.


Dog is man's best friend

Imagine that the dog is a black hole and the doghouse is a probe that interacts with the black hole.

A black hole requires special care and adequate training for the possibility of interaction with the body. 

For example, an anthill or a beehive in a simple perspective, there is order in their chaotic movements, the whole group has its main guidelines providing a united order.


Dog house 

Let's say there is no need for a complete seal, like a portal, there must be a door or entrance.

Therefore, the entire structure surrounding the dog house must be planned to stabilize a field where there is support and still use the force generated by the dog's body.

Throughout the history of human evolution we have seen the great potential for creating and building things. 

The machine, a creation of man, can build better and faster than man, only needing the correct order in its programming. 

Once a machine is programmed to perform its purpose, it will do so.


The calculator

When we are dealing with large, enormous and colossal objects, these varying sizes directly impact a man's strength, leaving him powerless to perform any feat.

Like in David and Goliath, where courage overcomes fear.

One hit is all it takes, think about what it's like to win a lottery prize, you got the numbers right or the numbers got you right.

So your machine intelligence must be able to perform accurate calculations.

An ordinary man would not be able to perform a calculation with many digits, for example a trillion digits, where the digit 1 is a unit number.

Therefore, the absence of fear in a machine means that it can provide the correct numbers and codes that are needed in order to achieve certainty in carrying out the appropriate construction.

At this point you must have realized that mathematics will be a fundamental factor in the conquest of space. Any space from the ocean to the stars. 


One eye

All of nature converges towards you, a tree trunk on the ground, a boy in a tree, the singing of birds, random things that pass through your day. But only you can see the meaning, the signs and the direction to do the right thing.

Some people know it, some fear it, and the rest simply ignore it. 

To wear sunglasses is to become like the rest of the world and ignore the power that has been given to you. To use this energy for the benefit of all humanity is to be a leader, something you have always refused to be.

In ordinary life, you must mingle and learn the system. Present improvements, appreciate offerings and compliments. The priority will always be you, it is your life that matters.

 How many wishes can you fulfill in a single life?

Does the fact that you can't get your hands dirty and assign tasks to others depress you to the point of ending your own life?

It is your responsibility to know yourself in life, knowing yourself is the path.



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