Mostrando postagens com marcador Bombs. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador Bombs. Mostrar todas as postagens

domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2022

Capítulo 29: O Botão Vermelho 📕


The red button

Simulation of a massive attack on a country “Ukraine” with nuclear weapons.
Chain reaction, strategic points can increase the blast radius.
Explosive power of 15 kilotons.
65kg uranium explosive charge
Radius of 6 km2.
Total area of 603,700 square km.
Width X multiplied by length Y = km
The heat wave at 4000°C within a radius of 4.5 km

Main target requirements.
Flammable product, explosive product, forests, among others.
Number of pumps needed = 100,616
Kilogram of uranium = 6,540,040
Thus, a mass bomber would destroy the entire territory.
Decreasing the number of bombs increasing the power and consequently the radius of the explosion.
Let's say a bomb with twice the spec does twice as much damage, so we have 130 kg of explosive charge affecting 12 km2, in this scenario the number of bombs would decrease to 50,308.

More power, perhaps five times the explosive charge 325 kg, affecting an area five times larger than 30 km2, so the number of bombs would be 20,123.
With numbers above 1 ton, 1,040 kg of explosive charge, with an area of 96 km2, the number of bombs would be 6,288.
The Tsar bomb is equivalent to 3300 bombs, affecting an area of 19,800 km2, requiring 30 bombs for total destruction.

The use of nuclear weapons in wars, must be responsibly, a bomb can cause more damage than profit, rendering the detonation area unusable. Manufacturing to minimize impacts increases the amount of bombs, but there is a strategic gain in use in combat. It's like conventional ammunition in a human body, the 9mm caliber can kill just like the 50mm caliber.

Eliminating trained and specialized soldiers, as well as militia, in a conflict is the fastest way to win, there is a time when the demand for soldiers is greater than the age group of the population.
In wars, the practical experience or theoretical knowledge of years, combat veterans of this type of class are more valuable than nuclear weapons.

Nuclear war, Bombs, area and soldiers.