terça-feira, 1 de março de 2022

The end of the war 📕


The end of the war

The war ends when one side allows it. The greater the power, the greater the feeling of revenge.
A while ago, my house was invaded, I was beaten and humiliated. I chose not to fight a fight that would lead me to others and more. This choice caused me physical and mental pain. Sometimes I think of my revenge, with blood and brutality.

In life there are unique moments, the path is wide with many stones and the shortcut is quicksand. Sinking into hate was always something I tried to avoid.
There are few things I care about now, this isn't my home anymore, my body doesn't have the strength it used to, this little moment in my life has freed my senses.
It made me understand the connection that unites everyone, it's like being alive among the dead or dead among the living. During my recovery process, I was completely vulnerable, a time of fear, something I had never felt before.

My strength gradually returned, and with each heroic act the fear grew, it was hope or perhaps projections of past memories, that guided me along the way.
Chapter 47 – Valley of the Leftovers of Death; “An enemy who fears nothing is a difficult opponent to defeat”
The fire between two sides, the missile wind by day, earth from the path of destruction and water and children's blood. Natural elements present in war, which can make a man fear nothing.
Chapter 20 - Divinity; “There are ways for this feeling, simply faith”

A superior courage, it can be bad, creating the necessary conditions to achieve courage gives you a greater perspective on the whole, not inducing you to commit thoughtless attitudes.
Since the beginning of humanity wars have been fought, sacrifices of the masses. They happen because that's how it should happen, that's how balance emerges, peace is won after war.

Suffering and sadness for some, glory and pride for others. History and memory last for generations. Life is cruel, we were born to survive in a chaotic reality where a billion things can kill. To give up that reality and go into direct risk is to defy death. And when you defy death, danger or sanity, your possibility of continuing to live is less.
Warring for territory demands great responsibility, expanding territory is beyond maintenance, supervision and exploration. It's like any planet in the universe, whoever arrived first is not necessarily the strongest to dominate.

To recognize the superiority of an enemy, among so many aspects, is to maintain honor. Honor is more than a conduct, it's a feeling of sacrifice and bravery, we all have it, we live in a civilized environment.
Between enemies is like a love relationship, sometimes the man must give in and accept the woman's way, not that this is right all the time, it is natural that there is an understanding on a specific issue.

the beginning of faith
When you believe in something, taking something as true, expresses certainty and confidence.
the beginning of hope
When you have the projection of something as possible of what you want.
the beginning of charity
When it benefits the neighbor, more needy, more humble.

In war there is faith, hope and charity. Faith and hope in victories, charity in brotherhood. It is a condition that affects a large number of people directly and indirectly.
Declaring war is easier for me than stopping or preventing it. The country that has natural resources or structures of great value cannot be targets, a bad government administration does not mean that it should be eradicated, disappear from the map.

No friend came to help me, and not even after. I came to trust myself and leave people to their own lives. A lot has changed, I can feel the force of nature, something that used to go unnoticed. I believe I will find a good place to live, far from here, when you spend a lot of time in one place the memories cause pain.
I can make an analogy and compare buying a house to a real war, working non-stop, saving money, setting aside for government fees, managing for daily sustenance and so on.

As I said before, we are connected, regardless of the electronic network, we have a bond as a human species.
Is war bad?
As I said there is faith, hope and charity.
We must know when to stop, everything good ends. Warring for generations requires a lot of effort and sacrifice, even if combat is managed to accept losses and quickly replenish resources, the culture of the combat being will influence young people to enter the battlefield.

I recently found out about Viriato a great leader killed by his own allies. It makes me think of how alone we are in our own interests, without even considering the position of our peers.

Empathy, putting yourself in the other's shoes, discovering frustrations and disturbances. There is no time, only the real desire to listen and interact with the reality of the other is that one has a notion of what it is like to be on the other side of the coin.
I like wars, but I feel very uncomfortable with the increase in people with physical disabilities resulting from the war, people who have been maimed or who have had their limbs severed, especially in the case of children.

domingo, 27 de fevereiro de 2022

The red button 📕


The red button

Simulation of a massive attack on a country “Ukraine” with nuclear weapons.
Chain reaction, strategic points can increase the blast radius.
Explosive power of 15 kilotons.
65kg uranium explosive charge
Radius of 6 km2.
Total area of 603,700 square km.
Width X multiplied by length Y = km
The heat wave at 4000°C within a radius of 4.5 km

Main target requirements.
Flammable product, explosive product, forests, among others.
Number of pumps needed = 100,616
Kilogram of uranium = 6,540,040
Thus, a mass bomber would destroy the entire territory.
Decreasing the number of bombs increasing the power and consequently the radius of the explosion.
Let's say a bomb with twice the spec does twice as much damage, so we have 130 kg of explosive charge affecting 12 km2, in this scenario the number of bombs would decrease to 50,308.

More power, perhaps five times the explosive charge 325 kg, affecting an area five times larger than 30 km2, so the number of bombs would be 20,123.
With numbers above 1 ton, 1,040 kg of explosive charge, with an area of 96 km2, the number of bombs would be 6,288.
The Tsar bomb is equivalent to 3300 bombs, affecting an area of 19,800 km2, requiring 30 bombs for total destruction.

The use of nuclear weapons in wars, must be responsibly, a bomb can cause more damage than profit, rendering the detonation area unusable. Manufacturing to minimize impacts increases the amount of bombs, but there is a strategic gain in use in combat. It's like conventional ammunition in a human body, the 9mm caliber can kill just like the 50mm caliber.

Eliminating trained and specialized soldiers, as well as militia, in a conflict is the fastest way to win, there is a time when the demand for soldiers is greater than the age group of the population.
In wars, the practical experience or theoretical knowledge of years, combat veterans of this type of class are more valuable than nuclear weapons.

Nuclear war, Bombs, area and soldiers.

sábado, 26 de fevereiro de 2022

Attack simulation 📕

Attack simulation

The capital of Moscow by MiG-29 aircraft squadron.

“Hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six vertices, so it has six angles.”

Attack timing is critical to mission success.

Operation cost: 174 million approximately.

Moscow is approximately 880 km from Kiev in Ukraine.

Mig-29 data
MiG-29. It can take 2 extra tanks of fuel. Cruising speed is 1500 km/h (810 kn). The ascent rate of the mig-29 is 109m/s. The Variometer is a sensor that indicates changes in altitude. Slip, glide or finesse ratio is equal to lift and drag ratio.
Then, when reaching the necessary altitude for the displacement gain in fall, the aircraft will travel this path, saving fuel and marking the time necessary for the attack synchronization.

Fighter division
Each fighter has its time to travel the path, so the order in which they take off is associated with the time it takes to reach the point of the attack formation.
The attack formation, is a hexagon in Moscow the attack must come from all sides and massive with the 36 missiles fired.
The first fighters depart from Kiev and experience the longest flight, going to Astrakhan (from 1708 km to 1555 km) and up through the Volga river, in the delta with the Oka river it is possible to separate, so the three aircraft will close the three upper angles of the hexagon. (180 degrees). The other fighters have a shorter and more direct path forming another 180 degrees angle.
Without support, fighters must focus on maneuverability, flying low between cover or high to avoid damage.

Play dead
As a distraction, the way fighters pass undetected, the apparent victory is nothing more than a surprise attack.

Camouflage, Drag, Fuel and Weaponry.



sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2022

O retorno do Imperador 📕


O retorno do Imperador


O conquistador e sua forma superior de guerra. Proporciona métodos eficazes e eficientes de unificação do território.

Um conquistador deve ter em mente que, sempre haverá rebeldes, aqueles que não concordarão com a causa. Diante disso é comum perceber que uma união entre os pensamentos semelhantes pode acontecer. Assim os rebeldes se unem para combater o conquistador.

O medo e a intimidação, funciona quando se tem posse de armas de alta destruição.

Dominar o terreno, inclui estabelecer um ponto de defesa e armazenagem para consequentemente progredir para outro ponto de combate. Estabelecer um ponto de defesa significa total domínio do perímetro, cercar com minas terrestres auxilia a defesa em uma possível retomada do campo ocupado.

Ataque em quantidade, permite diminuir a chance de interromper o avanço das tropas, um avanço em larga escala é como uma onda difícil de quebrar, para defender uma onda de ataque é necessária uma onda de defesa, com fogo ininterrupto, agrupar os disparos pode dividir, mas não vai parar a onda.

Tecnologias de guerra

Drones explosivos, sua função é explodir mísseis ou projeteis que vão de encontro a aeronave. Funcionando como um escudo e lança, ao explodir uma chuva de fragmentos é lançado ao solo.

Turbilhão, forte movimento giratório da aeronave, o vento pode mudar a trajetória de um projétil.

Arremetida com fumaça e ferro, como uma granada de fumaça e pó de ferro, “substancias ferromagnéticos”, o nevoeiro e a tempestade.

Ionizando o ar, a voltagem de um raio é de 100 milhões a 1 bilhão de volts. A água é um distribuidor das cargas elétricas. A caixa de madeira pode isolar as barras elétricas.

Quanto o martelo tocar o solo nenhum homem ficara de pé.

Atlântida e tsunamis, submarinos posicionados em locais estratégicos realizando manobras circulares, redemoinhos, podem provocar o direcionamento das águas, o mar segue seu fluxo. 

Terremotos, o peso dos tanques somados ao do exército, distribuídos em uma sinfonia, e sincronismo resulta em forte e larga interação com o solo, montanhas e outras formações geológicas sentiram as alterações.

Duelo, é uma forma de demonstrar força, acima de tudo resolver um impasse. Este evento tem como objetivo fazer um vencedor. Regras e benefícios são discutidos antes do confronto, é natural que o lado perdedor se submeta ao lado vitorioso. Necessário lembrar que o duelo de líderes é até a morte.    

Assim como na história de Davi contra Golias, você pode derrotar qualquer gigante em seu caminho com a oportunidade certa.